Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wordless Wednesday, April 17

I have a grand-dog who is a Pit Bull.  He is so cool. This was a bumper sticker I saw on someone's car/


  1. I am so excited to discover your site and your book! I saw a review of your book on Babblings & More. Right away I got on Amazon and ordered 2 copies - 1 for my mom and 1 for my mother-in-law. Both moms come from families of 4 sisters. I know they will enjoy this. My mom is going to read it and want to get copies for her sisters too, I'm sure! I linked a picture of my babes to your Wordless Wednesday. Happy to "meet' you!


    1. I just followed your blog. I am so excited to see how you like the book and to hear your stories from your Mom and Mom-in-law
